Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wine Country

On Memorial Day, some friends and I took a ride to northern California's wine country. Along for the ride were
my good buddy Joe, Marques and his gf Christy, and his friend Dave and his step-daughter Danni. The weather was perfect and we had a great ride. The only regret: we didn't stop to taste any wine! Go figure!

Check out the rest of the photos from this ride HERE.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fallen Heroes Memorial Run

Saturday, 23 May 2009, marked the first Fallen Heroes Memorial Run to benefit a public service memorial and a baseball field in memory of Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff Jeff Mitchell, who was gunned down during a traffic stop in October 2006. His killer is still at large.

My buddy Dan Gothier, who works for the El Dorado Hills Parks Department, and his fellow coworkers, put on an incredible motorcycle run in their first effort. The day began with a pancake breakfast followed by a 114 mile run that visited Sheriff Mitchell's roadside memorial and wrapped up with a barbecue lunch. The weather was spectacular and a wonderful time was had by all. An estimated 500 bikes made the run. It was a fitting celebration for the Memorial Day weekend.

You can see the rest of my photos of this event HERE.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Johanna's Graduation

On 15 May, we celebrated my niece Johanna's graduation from Law School at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. We ate too much, drank too much, laughed a lot, and had a wonderful evening!

Congratulations, Jo!

You can see the rest of the photos from the party HERE.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bucks Lake ride

I was awakened early Saturday morning by my phone ringing. Wrong number. So much for sleeping in. I checked my email and found a message from my riding buddy Ken Hiscox. He said he was heading out on his bike to check out a campsite for later this summer and to visit his Mother in Magalia, a small town up in the hills east of Chico. His message asked if I was interested in going for a little putt.

Anyone who knows me knows I'll never pass up an invitation to go for a ride!

Our adventure took us up into the mountains. In several places, the snow along the roadside was still over four feet high!

After departing Bucks Lake, we rode on to Quincy for a bite to eat, then west along Hwy 70 to Paradise and Ken's family in Magalia before returning to Sacramento. As Ken headed for his home in Concord, I rode with him as far as Vacaville before heading back home. We had a fun day filled with twisty roads, beautiful scenery, delicious BBQ tri-tip sandwiches, visiting family, and getting a few miles under our belts.

And this is what 417 miles of springtime California bugs on the front of my bike look like!

See more photos of our ride HERE.